Thursday, July 29, 2010

Whats the best advice you can give someone starting out in life?

Pay your bills on time..

All a poor man has is his credit.

(This is not saying you might be poor but a very good thing to remember)Whats the best advice you can give someone starting out in life?
Make the right choices in your life. There are enough problems in life without creating more for yourself.Whats the best advice you can give someone starting out in life?
love someone, let someone love you.
Really I think the best advice is no advice unless asked for. Years ago I knew EVERYTHING and from having all of those smarts I made a tremendous amount of mistakes and from those mistakes I've learned more than anyone could have ever taught me. I now love not knowing so much , and making less mistakes.
Don't go in debt. You don't need near as much stuff as you think you do. Try being happy with what you have instead. If your spouse can't agree, then you married the wrong one.
Don't do it if you can't be proud of it.
Don't bet on the come !!!
Be independent. Learn to change your own diapers no matter what your age.
Pay yourself first by saving 10% of what you make
Learn how to cook some simple meals and eat at home. You will save a whole lot of money if you only eat out for very special occasions.
Know yourself. Do not let others decide for you. Get a good education. Do not go into debt. Make time for fun. Family first. Enjoy the ride.
Give mustbe 10 pts as she is right
Most of the answers you have recieved are really great, but in this day and age I can only reply this way:

Crawl back into the womb now!
Be sure to put at least 10% of you wages into savings everypay day.
Be honest and true, and don't get in a rush. live within your means, things will come in due time. Don't go into debt for things, overly much.
breath regularly, get toilet trained as early as possible, take school seriously, don't join a gang, stay out of trouble, and be in the top 5% of your age will be guaranteed a good life. Oh, and take impecable care of your credit! Do nothing to mess it up, or your life will be very limited as to what you can do with it.
Keep your nose clean.
Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you've never been hurt,

Dance like no one is watching.............
golden rule plays a big part === but first if would try to impress on him/her that they would have to worry about number one == it is not selfish -- if you take care of number one you can always than take care of others!!!
Never go back home. It's never the same as when you were a kid. Visit. But, keep your own place.
Use at the max two credit cards.Get the kind that gives you a return % on what you use it for.Always pay it off completely at it's due date.( that way it will accrue no interest charges.Don't buy anything you don't actually need.When you get to the age you need life insurance buy only term insurance,not whole life.

Save a reasonable amount of money on a fixed basis.

If you follow this advice you will probably have sufficient money to live a very good life no matter how much money you earn as long as you live within your means
Be Honest.

It pays off to be very honest.
'; If you don鈥檛 know where your going.

Any road will take you there.';

George Harrison

Take time to think, before you make the decisions of life.

Assuming, you are young, you need to listen to all the above advise.

Know who your are and respect yourself.

Conduct your self in a manner that will build good memories, because someday you will be old and sometimes, we old folks, have nothing more to do than live on our memories.

Do what you have to do when it has to be done and be all you can be to the best of your ability.

Be persnickety when choosing your mate. Now, don鈥檛 laugh. I just absolutely love this word. I looked up the definition of persnickety and it鈥檚 the perfect word to use as your guide to choosing a mate. The definition of persnickety is to be particular, fussy, picky, choosy, finicky and requiring extremely careful treatment. Take your time and choose well. Remember that you usually get what you give. Set your values high, be kind, care and listen to that still small voice.

';Be your own best friend and don鈥檛 forget to wink at yourself now and then.';

Diane von Furstenburg
Pay yourself first, out of each paycheck. Put the money into a savings, and get into the habit of saving, even if you start out with a small amount.

Take care of your credit. Once it's gone, it's hard to fix it.

Marry someone who has your same values, and shares your dreams for the future.

Be your own person. Keeping up with the Jones's, only causes frustration.
Lots of great answers here so far.

I'll just give a practical one: if you actually must buy a car, do not buy a new one. You will pay too much.

Buy a used, dependable, practical vehicle like a Corolla or Camry or Accord or maybe a used Toyota or Nissan pickup. A Camry can go 250,000 miles, maybe more if you take care of it, so if you buy one with 75,000 miles, you'll be good to go for ten years or so and save a ton of money.
Try your best at everything you do,education is the basics of everything,get a good one
Study hard and go to college. Save some of your money if you have any and can do it.
Show Compassion to all, don't take anything so seriously that you can't laugh about it, smile, don't worry about the petty things, watch your words, actions and thoughts so as not to cause suffering to anyone else in this life, enjoy life, love it, it is over much too quickly.

My favorite quote: Love like you won't get hurt, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching.
be the best you can be

be honest

true to your words
I can't believe it! Reading and writing actually paid off!

If something is to hard to do, then it's not worth doing. You just stick that guitar in the closet next to your shortwave radio, your karate outfit and your unicycle and we'll go inside and watch TV

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand! --

No, no, no, Lisa. If adults don't like their jobs, they don't go on strike. They just go in every day and do it really half-a$$ed. --

You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. --

Homer Simpson

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