Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does your love life suck so much you have to give incrediblby pessimistic advice on Y!A?

or are you one of the good ones who actually try and tackle problems and answer questions, as opposed to taking the mickey, writing sexist ranting, detailing your divorce whilst telling the asker their marriage will be the same or simply writing ';leave him';?Does your love life suck so much you have to give incrediblby pessimistic advice on Y!A?
i can help you i need your name and. dobDoes your love life suck so much you have to give incrediblby pessimistic advice on Y!A?
I try to be as helpful as possible. That is, if the person is serious and asks a serious question.

I really feel great empathy for people and some of the things they are going through.

Some these experiences I have never been through, others I have experienced and have triumphed over adversity. Either way I try to give advice that will be fruitful in addressing the situation/problem.
It depends on the question. If someone is trying to have some light fun, then I reciprocate. It provides more fun when some people answer a fun question as if it was serious e.g. getting annoyed with the asker who enquires what to do to get his wife down from the chandelier. Some people are just too serious.

If the person asks a question that doesn't make sense, or has too little detail to answer, then I tell them. For questions that I feel are genuine, I answer to the best of my ability.

I tell them what I have found in over 30 really happy years of marriage, along with what I have observed in other marriages. If I think it will help, I will suggest websites that I know of, like for marriages that aren't going well or that need a jump start or for beautiful lingerie or Victoria Secret, or products for say menopause, right down to KY jelly for those who don't know about it! It really depends on the question.

Some relationships appear to have gone too far or someone is being treated very badly, so reluctantly, I will suggest moving on, but wherever possible I will always suggest trying to fix the problem. Often it is just that people have lost sight of what they are really trying to do, while here on earth. We all want to be happy, feel wanted, be clothed and fed, and have someone to love. It's not too hard, we just sometimes seem to go out of our way to mess it up.

So yes, I try to tackle the problem to the best of my ability.
i try not to judge and give the best answer i can
does your life suck so much you wait 4 my answer?

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