okay so heres what happened. I really like this girl (nicole) and I told my best friend (john( that i liked her and was thinking about asking her out. But then john (just as i walk onto my school bus after talking with him) goes to her and asks her out on a date and she says yes. I really like the girl but have no idea what to do. Please help me!!Relationship advice for my f'd up life?
Hhhmmm... sounds like John is still learning what a friend is. I've had friends do this kind of thing to me before... and found that they are the kind of friends that want what you have. So If you told John that there was only one red hat at the store and you really wanted it... he would go buy it before you because YOU wanted it.
But lucky for you Nicole is living breathing person that can make up her own mind. So what... he asked her out on a date... that doesn't mean they are boyfriend and girlfriend....it's just a date to see if they like each other more than just friends.
The same principles apply to you too... you want to take her out to see if you could be more than just friends...So go ask her out on a date... and if you feel the need to explain to her what really happened go ahead. Or not ... But wait until after the date...
Good Luck...
And tell John what goes around comes around... God Bless KarmaRelationship advice for my f'd up life?
Damn man you have an effed up friend, that just goes to show who your real friends are.
Think of it this way, there's two possibilities. Either he did that to screw with you, OR he was interested in her as well and when you told him you were interested, he felt obligated to get to her before you could.
So all in all, my advice to you, just wait it out, if you really like her and she goes out with your friend, just know that the moment you friend effs up, you'll be there for her. Some my say its wrong to go for the rebound but honestly I've done it several times and the girls have told me that its one of the nicest things you can do for a girl because in reality you're really comforting her when she needs it.
well the first thing you do is lose that friend cuz hes a bad one. And then wait till after they go on there date cuz she will say well im going on a date with john so i can't see what comes from them dating my guess is nothing will come out of it. I think he only asked her cuz you were going to. when things fall apart with them you can step in and tell her what happened but for now stay away from both of them i know its hard and it sucks
Sounds like it is time to tell him to meet you by the swing set after school for a good old fashion beat down. Thats what your dumb *** gets for telling someone what you are going to do before you do it. Maybe he has been working up the coruage to ask her this whole time and by you telling him it pushed him over edge and he had to get it done before you. You slept on it now you deal with it.
is this site serious??? people on here answering dumb question.
this is to good to be real, common sense should have told you not to tell john your business. john is in and your left out looking in dont get mad at john hope this is a learning lesson about flapping your mouth.
if john was your best friend he would have known not to be-friend your trust Im sure he knows you like nicole
That was not very friend-like of him. Ask him why he would do that, knowing that you liked her! You mentioned that you got on the school bus......and that your friend asked her on a date.....how old are you, and what do you consider a date? I think maybe at this stage, he is just trying to compete with you. Theres no reason why you cant ask Nicole on a ';date'; too.
I stick with my original answer. Ask her out on a date too! Just because he asked her on a date doesnt mean that they are exclusive. (boyfriend and girlfriend, no outside dating)
sounds to me like john is a p - r - i - c - k, hah.
i'd talk to her and tell her you were thinking about it first and he took your chance. if a guy said that to me i'd understand.
dang i would juss tell her how u feel n she gon choose the guy she wanna be wit if she dun choose u then u can find a better girl
well i think that John kid is just plain mean and don't be mad at the girl u should go tell her that right when he ask her out u where going to
He SUCKS as a friend. Try and break them up. :D
johny is not the best friend u could have u have to option
1- fight for uor girl
2 fight uor friend
punch your friend in the face
1) There's nothing you can do. Except one thing. You could always go up to the girl and start a conversation, and then when she seems to be warming up to you, ask her if she can keep a secret. Tell her you don't want her to hold it against him... but that you had actually told John you wanted to ask her out, and that he had agreed to help you, but then he sorta betrayed you/went behind your back and asked her out first. Then just sorta smile, shrug, and say its not a big deal though, i just wanted to get it off my chest. Then nod ur head, smile, and walk away.
This takes balls, but it will make her think of you as a good cool guy for approaching you, and John as a d*ck (what he actually IS rite now) and she might even break up with him for you. At the VERY LEAST, it will cause relationship problems, as she won't see him in the same light, and she will break up with him faster, and/or distance herself from him.
3) Aside from that, there is only 1 thing to do:
LEARN A LESSON FROM HERE-ON OUT. Never, ever tell a friend that you plan on asking a girl out, or for advice!!! If you need relationship or dating advice THAT badly, go online. That's bad enough, but asking your friends is just begging them to screw it up for you!!! ALL people are selfish, and have their own motives in mind.
Also, the only reason you should ever tell any guy(s) you like a girl, is if you're going to go up to them RIGHT NOW and ask her out/talk to her, and you want them to be there with you, just so you look cool and arent alone. just tell them to have normal convos with you while ur goin up there. BUT MAKE SURE THEY'RE MORE TRUSTWORTHY THEN PPL LIKE JOHN.
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