Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What should i do with these users advice from people with life experience would be great?

Hi there

I basically had two people who i considered friends, in the end i realized they where not, but this wasnt until i had given them all i got really.

I helped them out many times emotionally and in the end financially too leaving me about a grand and a half out of pocket. I even forgave one of them for stabbing me in the back over a small business we set up.

I feel so annoyed with myself that i did not see the signs that where so clear from the beginning.

One even boasted to the other that he could manipulate me with the click of his finger which really annoyed me, as i didnt look for this as i believed he was a good friend.

A part of me would like to get my revenge however ive always stuck by the phrase that violence never solves anything and its not in me really, and another part of me is telling me just to move on but iam unsure what to do.

I always thought i was a good judge of character but in this case i was wrong.

In this situation what would you do ?

Thanks in advance for answering my question.What should i do with these users advice from people with life experience would be great?
Never lend money you can't afford to lose. Consider this an expensive lesson.

Next time, give less of yourself to your friends. Only give to those who will give in return.

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