Sunday, July 25, 2010

Need advice for my so-called life.?

No, I'm not talking about that great 90's sitcom we all used to watch on MTV. Anyway, over the years I've gotten more disgruntled with my life and I don't know what to do. I have a constant feeling of the need to travel, but without the proper resources, this goal isn't attainable right now.

I don't want a normal life. I don't want to sit in a cubicle for the next 50 years. I understand no one likes these things either, but my passion on this topic is intense. This I know. I'm 22 and currently enrolled in a university, but I keep thinking that any job I get from school...will be one of those ';normal'; jobs.

Basically, I've been using my time at college to figure out every way to survive without working that mundane job everyday. I personally would be content just traveling and living a humble life somewhere on the other side of the world, but again this takes some financial backing to begin with. Both of my parents are poor as well, so they can't help.

Any Ideas?Need advice for my so-called life.?
Great story and great questions!

First, don't get caught in the ';oh woe is me'; trap. There are dozens of ways to supplement your income and dozens of ways to get what you want from life, both financially and personally.

Action is always the best first step. Begin to determine what you love and then find an income-supplementing activity that fits that passion. If you can turn a passion into an income, you'll be a truly happy person. For example, if you're into fitness and health, start to explore opportunities in that area.

Case in point - I personally work with two young gentlemen who started following their dreams while they were 20 years old and still in college. By twinning their dreams with the right business vehicle, they made over 100,000 dollars a year right from their dorm rooms. And today, they're the ripe old age of 30 and both are multimillionaires. I'd be happy to share their history with you if you want to email me.

There are literally hundreds of other stories like that. Some used a business model to get them where they wanted to go. Some used talents in art, music and drama. Some sparked the creative sides of their brains and devised new ways to benefit society.

The common thread is that they all followed their passion.

Hope this helps.


SuccessPro Lifestyle CoachingNeed advice for my so-called life.?
Please dont' write this off as a stupid idea:

Get a job that travels. Sounds easier then it is, but why not get paid to travel? I don't know yoru line of study, but take these examples:

Clinical Research Associates

Truck Drivers

Sales people

Insurance analysists who assess the scenes personally

There are a lot of post-undergrad jobs that will pay you to travel. Lots of times overseas, as well. I have a cubicle science type job where I occassionally get to travel to england, poland, south amerca, etc. All free of charge to me!
I'm 28...went to college...and became one of those cubicle workers that you speak of. I have made enough money in order to travel basically every place I wanted to within the US and parts of Canada.

My brother, who is 26, is different...and is a lot like you. He has lived all over the US and has been to Europe and Thailand. However, he works minimum wage jobs (sometimes two at a time to make ends meet). Because he doesn't have a lot of money, he lives in houses that sometimes are occupied by 4 or more people. Oh...and he doesn't have health playing for a doctor's visit or covering that toothache sometimes kills off a trip of two per year.

The biggest difference between us that he is living in the moment, whereas I'm building a nice nest egg through investments and living by the motto ';duty now for the future';. He still might be working those minimum wage jobs at 50...and I'll be retired. Plus...I'm a person who likes to get involved in long terms projects, meeting goals, and finding long term gratification.

If you have a personality that requires you not to stand still and take in the HAVE to go that route because you will begin to hate yourself if you get involved in the 9 to 5 world. You must take the route my brother is currently taking. Don't suppress how you really feel...EVER.
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