Sunday, July 25, 2010

If you're given the same advice as Forrest Gump (life/box of chocolates) does it mean you're viewed as dumb?

haaaaaaaaa stupid is as stupid doesIf you're given the same advice as Forrest Gump (life/box of chocolates) does it mean you're viewed as dumb?
i'm sure the ones who are laughing have been given that advice before

onto that statement life/box of chocolates

it means you have 2 layers good-bad

chocolates you like and chocolates you don't

as the only way you will find out is to sample the taste

and that is learning new things in lifeIf you're given the same advice as Forrest Gump (life/box of chocolates) does it mean you're viewed as dumb?
nope. i think it just means the person coming up with advice couldn't find a more imaginative way of talking to you.
No, it means that there are millions of flavors of life, and you can savor each one.
clearly you dont know the power of forest gump.
no it just means the person giving it has nothing else to say or he watches too many movies
Nah, just a little slow at life......
just a bit slow gummi, you are still able to function in public properly we just have to deal with you with kid gloves

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