Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I hate my life. Can you give me some advice?

I was born August 13, 1994. I was born in San Diego, CA, and 1 year later we moved to England. I have 3 older sisters and a mom and a dad. MY dad started cheating on my mom in England. Alot. When I was 4 we moved to Connecticut. My dad kept cheating on my mom. When I was 6 my mom found out and kicked him out. He came over alot wihout telling and hit my mom and yelled at all of us. 2 years ago my mom had to move me and my sisters across town to a much smaller town. My mom doesn't have a great job, and we, well... aren't able to spend alot of money. Everyone always yells at me ALOT and last year I started cutting myself. I hate that I feel like no one loves me. LAst April my dad got remarried and didn't ask us if we cared until after he proposed. I HATE THE WOMAN! JERK! She ruined the chance that my mom and dad MIGHT get back together! I FEEL SO ALONE! Help me! WHERE ARE YOU GOD? JESUS! HELP! I feel so alone... maybe suicide is the answer...I hate my life. Can you give me some advice?
Hurting yourself or even thinking about suicide is NOT the answer. Do you have a school consular or minster, ect to talk to..Trust me you have every right to hate this other women, but just think of the hell she will have to go through with your father, he will cheat on her just as he did your mother.Once a cheater always a cheater, put a smile on your face and think of the hell this women is going through already. Some people were meant to be together and some not. Your Mom and Dad were not. God bless your Mom for getting you out of that nightmare, love your Mom, life will be tough, but the tough get going. Pull yourself together you are not alone, cause I have been there and done that. Life will get better trust me and the Lord.I hate my life. Can you give me some advice?
Suicide is never the answer beleive me I know. Your life will get better, but thats up to you to change it. Your a little bit to young right now to make really big changes, but when you get older you could make alot of changes. You don't have to follow in your parents foot steps you could be anything you want if you put your mind to it. Don't give up things will get better.
First start loving yourself. it's hard but everything will come into place after that. Im a young adult now, but when i was younger my father used to hit my mom to but enough is enough my mom, 3 sisters, and I jumped on my father and kicked his *** he never laid a hand on my mom again. But if he's gone be happy start thinking about your future cause he is the one that's making you feel like that. Let him go, in your heart you'll always love him, but get him out of your head, let that hurt drive you to do good for yourself, better that him, maybe you'll be rich and when he come crawling kick his *** to the curb
Suicide is never the answer, there is someone who loves you! Don't ruin someone's chances of trying- Things wil get better I know life may seem impossible at times, but you can pull through. Get a hobby- i started to play guitar in order to vent some of my problems and maybe their not as bad as yours but I have lead a pretty hard life too.If you ever need to talk dont be shy send me and e-mail or AIM me (usually i'm not on but I can make an exception ; )
Suicide is never the answer, although it may sound really good right about now. Get some help sweetie. Talk to anyone, will help you. You're very young still, and are not sure how to deal with things. Please email me if you want to talk. I'm sure everyone here has been through depression and can help.
You are not alone, when this world seems like it is crashing down on you, God is there. Ask Him for help, and I promise you that He will help. He will meet you where ever you are, just cry out to Him. Don't hurt yourself any longer, your body is a temple for God, and hurting yourself hurts God too. Remember Jesus' words, ';Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in Me.'; Jesus will come, and He will heal your broken heart, trust Him.

I will pray for you, and pray to Him constantly.
Dont try suicide, that is not the way. I think you really need to have someone you can talk to some type of friend or something, if you want to talk you can email me if you want i dont know what help I can be, but I can be there.
You know WAY too much about your parent's relationship. Not just the hitting (that would be obvious to see), but the cheating. My heart goes out to you. Is there an adult you can confide in?? Suicide is not the answer, believe me.

You can hate your step-mom all you want, but there's a reason your parents aren't together. If he cheated on her and hit her, don't you want better for your mom? Don't you think she deserves more than that?

Hang in there.....hugs
i am gonna be in SD tomm, wanna meet, come back and i am sure i can change that to better and maybe u can change my life too!! : )
1st of all, the new wife did NOT ruin your mom's chances of getting back together...I am sure your mother would have none of that (if she is smart, at any rate). And stop putting yourself in the middle of all this unadult stuff..get your own life, your own friends and live some. Get out a lot more, and away from that house! Things will start looking up immediately! Good luck
suicide isn't the answer, you are very young yet, things will get better and as far as your mom and dad getting back together why would you want your mom to be with a man that cheats on her and abuses her? your mom deserves better and that new woman that you don't like will end up being cheated on and abused also so she'll get whats coming to her don't worry about that. its sad that you think spending money will make you happy, it won't. you definitely need some help and some counselling. lots of kids feel like nobody loves them, its generally not true. your mom is dealing with lots of grown up things and maybe she is taking alot of time and attention on those things, i'm sure she loves you though. you need to find things that make you happy, stop doing the things that get you yelled at, try to be helpful to your mom so maybe she has some more time to spend with you. have you talked to her, reasonably and told her how you feel? sometimes moms don't know, that doesn't mean they won't care if they do know. look up some hotline numbers in your area, they are usually in the front of the phone book or in the blue pages, it will give you someone to talk to and they can help you get the help you need. good luck to you!
girl please dont let your emotions get to you. i know its hard and it seems like nobody cares, but GOD cares!! pray to god for strength. sorry to say this but i don't think your parents had a chance at all so it wasn't that girls fault she married your father. your parents would never get along and that is something that you will have to accept. i know as a child you want your parents to always be together and be happy, but unfortunatlly.... continue later.....gtg
First of all, I'm sure that your mom loves you alto. If she yells too much or doesn't show alot of affection, she probably doesn't mean to be that way. She has been through alot too and people sometimes have a hard time handling these things. So just like you are having a hard time, I'm sure she's hurting too. And don't be so mad about your dad remarrying. Sounds like he was no good for your mom anyway. If they had gotten back together, she would probably be miserable with him. Life is hard, but you have to find ways to keep yourself busy and get over the past. Maybe you should talk to your mom more and let her know that you love her alot and that you are hurting just as much as she may be hurting. Try to be more understanding of everything that she goes through and then maybe she will realize that you need her.
hey, whatever you do, don't commmit suicide. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Life is full of troubles but we have to deal with it no matter how hard it is, and God is right there with you, standing by your side just have faith in him and you will overcome your problems. Take Care and cheer up, if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me at leejones142002@yahoo.com, again cheer up keep your head up and have faith
Suicide is NEVER the answer. You are young and believe it or not you have a wonderful life ahead. You are allowed to dislike your dad's new wife, but don't disrespect her, afterall your dad loves her enough to marry. As for your mom and dad getting back together... woud you really want that? Things might not be that great right now, but it sounds like your mom is better off not being married to your dad. Things will get better financially, hang in there. As for you cutting yourself, stop. It will not bring your parents back together. It will not make your dad divorce his new wife and you are marking up your young skin. Be there for your mom and don't worry so much about your dad is doing.
cool down and suicide is not an option. u're still young and eventhough what u saw till now isn't good, life still has a lot for u. u feel trapped in ur parents separation problem now but in a while u'll get used to it and u'll begin a new life too. just don't rush things and everything should be fine. take it easy, u're still a young flower and there's a bright life waiting for u :]
Don't say that suicide is never the answer, you still have your whole life ahead of you, don't think that way. What happened between your mother and father isn't you fault and you should feel that it is. You are a great person just have been through so many bad things. I have been through lots of bad things and it was hard for me to go through with it, but I did and now I love my life and am so glad that I am where I am. Things will get better, just remember that you are a great person and if people yell at you it is because they hate their life and they don't know how to deal with it. If you ever need to talk, just let me know!
i'm really sorry for what happend, don't suicide..suicide and running away from this problem won't do anything..

you should try not keep everything so bottled up and confide your feelings to anyone you trust. Tell your parents that you hate it that way, write in a diary that would help too..everyone loves you, it's just that their really stressed and they just put their feelings on you, but it's wrong, don't feel sad though..keep everything on the bright side, don't worry...it will turn out all better...
First of all, your parents never would have gotten back together. It sounds like your mom put up with alot of crap from him. I'm sure you think your life sucks, but killing yourself? Are you that weak? You can't deal with it anymore so who cares if I'm gone? Get over it. You're so young, and you're ready to call it quits? And what the hell are you doing cutting on yourself, I use to do that, did it make anything better? NO! But it did lead me to three suicide attempts, 5 years of struggling with bulemia, and still struggling with depression. As much as you hate your life you're too young to give up now. Depression makes it impossible to believe anything will ever get better. But it will, if you want to talk my e-mail address is katiekat2203@yahoo.com. Having gone through what you're going through, I would like to talk with you.
What about friends to talk to? You need friends that you can share things with and unload your bad stuff to instead of carrying it around inside you. Talk to someone, talk to friends. Need a friend then holler at me. But don't EVER think you're not a good person because of the mistakes other people make like your dad or mom. Life is good if you let people in who really care about and love you.
dont do that then your mom will get crazy and she will miss u, moms always cares about their children no mater what. Tell your mom to start dating agian so u could have a better dad u guys will be happy and your mom, so u dont be lonely find a boyfriend and hang together. Im 12 1/2 too

Good Luck
Why!? Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Celebrate it!
You know, I lost my husband to suicide and I really hope you're not joking around or trying to get attention. Suicide is a horrible thing to deal with. If you are hurting that bad and TRULY need someone to talk to, I'd be happy for you to email me.
Sweetie suicide is not the answer!!!Honey God is there, dont give up. You can use these experiences in your life to help others. lean on god girl, he will take all these problems away. I am here if you need to chat. Dont end your life, god k nows your life is precious, He just has us go through things to make us stronger and make us lean on him only not people. We are all human and make mistakes, your dad is not perfert and it's not your step mom's fault, you need to talk to your dad hun tell him how you feel or write him a letter so he can't yell back. Your mom has her own issues and might not realize she could be taking it out on you. talk to someone don't end your life over this, you will miss the blessings god has for you down the road,
Life can be so challenging sometimes. I'm really sorry your home life is causing you so much pain. I have to tell you though, you are so young and have so much of your life ahead of you!!! I strongly suggest that you look into some sort of counseling, but if you need someone to talk to there are hot lines you can call and stay anonymous. Be strong sweetie!!! You will be in my prayers! Please don't give up!!!!!!
If you ever need someone to talk to, leave me a message on my messenger....blackcola05, im on all the time
no dont kill yourself pray pray pray and be happy you are here

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